Committed To Me In 2022

How often do you take time to really get to know yourself?

We often spend so much time avoiding who we are and those things about ourselves that just isn’t pretty and then we over compensate for the already pretty things in our life.  But let’s just be real for a second nobody is perfect and nothing about any of us will ever be perfect. I feel like I am in a constant season of growing but I hear my mentor in my ear saying that the day that I stop growing will be the day that I die.  I’ve noticed that areas that aggravate me most in others are areas that I get mad about in myself. Like I’m lazy but I do not like a lazy person. I preach about consistency but I’m not as consistent as I should be. My follow through is weak but I will cut someone off because they didn’t come through for me. I want clear communication from others but I’m not the best at sharing my feelings. There are more of course but sheesh I’m feeling a little exposed just giving you these couple of areas.

So often I evaluate myself and I used to ask others to evaluate me also. I would ask them to tell me how I was as a person, as a friend, and just really over all. I haven’t did this in a couple of years but I may do it again soon. Anyway, I think it’s healthy to evaluate yourself every so often. It helps you to see your areas of growth and areas that you still need to grow in. It also gives you a chance to re-evaluate your path and journey in life. All of us have areas that could use some improvement and there is definitely nothing wrong with that. I honestly just want to be better and if I can help someone along my journey also then why not. I want everyone around me and really everyone not around me to be the best version of themselves that they can be flaws and all.

I have been so into helping others and being the sounding boards for them that I have in the last couple of years neglected what I needed to do.  I would think to myself as long as I help them I would be alright but you know what… It ain’t alright anymore and it never really was.  But In November 2021 I heard God say to me “Give me 12 consistent months”.  I knew this to mean that with everything that I have said that I wanted to do for my life and with every vision that He has given me for my life I have not been consistent with any of it.  I sat down on a Sunday in December 2021 and listend to an old T.D. Jakes sermon called “Committed” and he said how are you suppose to have the life that you say that you want for yourself if you are not committed to doing what it takes to have it.  I have made so many excuses over the years of why not me but yeah I am over myself and the excuses.  So this year 2022 my word for the year is COMMITTED.  I am committed to the life that I want for myself and I am going to give God the 12 consistent months that He has asked me to give Him.

I am taking this year very personal and doing what is best for myself and the life that I want.  This journey of life is not for the faint of heart because there will always be twist, turns, and growing pains but if you take the time to know yourself it may make it a little easier to navigate through.  I think about the Shakespeare quote “This to thine own self be true…” If you don’t know who you are how are you to live the life that you are meant to live. Live purposefully!!!!!

Thanks for visiting and reading until next time live simply while making it extraordinary!!!!!
