Moments with Him: Whispers

I was leaving the house recently one morning and while I was waiting for my car to warm up I heard a little whisper telling me to take the street way to work. I of course shrugged it off because taking the street way would have me dealing with traffic lights, school traffic and one too many turns. Well I got my happy self on the highway and ended up getting stuck in stand still traffic for about 40 minutes and was late for work all because I didn’t listen to the whisper.

You say why is this something that you are writing about…well it’s in the whispers that God speaks to us the most. It is in the whispers that He sends us directions. He reminded me today of a prayer that I pray on a very regular basis. “God please let me hear from you and know your voice”.  Once again He says you prayed for this and then you ignored it. It is safe to say that I will be listening to the whispers all of the time now.  God speaks in many different ways.  He may not be whispering to you but He is speaking to you in some way.  Are you listening to Him?

Job 33:14-17
14 For God speaks again and again,
though people do not recognize it.
15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night,
when deep sleep falls on people
as they lie in their beds.
16 He whispers in their ears
and terrifies them with warnings.
17 He makes them turn from doing wrong;
he keeps them from pride.