I Will Be A Homeowner…But Planning First

I have been in a place of crazy transition for the last 6 months.  I moved out of the house that I called home for almost 9 years and moved into a friends home.  It has been a pretty seamless adjustment as far as the move itself and the living situation.  But when I lived in my previous home my next steps were to buy that home or another.  Never was it in my plans to move into someone else’s home and share a space with someone else other than whoever my husband is going to be.  You know the saying “If you want to make God laugh, make plans,” or in my fail to plan … well I bet He was up there just getting a good chuckle out me.  This part of the transition has been the hardest to move past.  I wasn’t ready though for what I said that I wanted.  I hadn’t prepped at all to own my own home.  There was no savings, there was no research into what it took to start the process, steps during the process, resources that I could use I did nothing.  Well not completely true…I did start the process to get my credit to where it needed to be and I was pre-approved for a loan to buy a home.  But y’all I had no savings at all for a down payment, closing costs, and anything else that would have come up for me to pay for.   All I did was say that I wanted to buy a home and I guess that I expected God to just do it without me doing any work at all.  Yeah I imagine Him laughing really hard at me.  But now here I am and I still desire to own my own.  About 2 months ago I was talking to a friend and I was complaining about not being in my own space and not having my own like I wanted so desperately.  With tough love she said you didn’t want it enough because you didn’t put in the work to get it.  But she reminded me of my thought process with taking this move.

When this shift came for me, my landlord at the time put a for sale sign in the front yard and I wasn’t expecting it and I instantly went into survival mode.  Like how was I going to handle if she sold this home tomorrow and I had not planned for anything.  I started looking into my options.  I could continue to drag it out and not think about it but I chose to be proactive.  I started looking at all of my options none of which I wanted to do.  I didn’t want to move into an apartment and pay almost $300 more in rent than I was currently paying, I didn’t want to move back to South Carolina and I didn’t want to ask for help at all.  But as always on a Sunday I was at my mentor’s home just chilling.  It was 3 of us sitting upstairs just talking and I randomly asked her if I could move in with her for a little while until I figured this thing out.  I was half serious and half joking because nothing in my flesh really wanted to move in with them.  I wanted my own.  But the craziest thing happened, the other person that was sitting there spoke up and said that I could move in with her.  I wasn’t expecting that and she wasn’t expecting me to say anything.  Anyone that has been around me for any length of time knows that I am super prideful and if I am asking for help then I am at my last option.  What I didn’t realize until later after praying for direction in the situation was that because it happened so fast it was God speaking for me.  It was like He stepped on my toe and I just spoke up and what needed to happen, happened.

Since the move life hasn’t gotten easier but I am breathing a lot easier these days.  I am still working on the process of buying my own home.  But this time I am actually putting in the work and trusting God to fill in the gaps for everything else.  2255 was the number of my last address a total of 14 if you add them all together.  I am a spiritual girl and numbers not only mean something to me in my daily work but also in my spiritual walk and the number 14 means salvation and deliverance.  I went through a lot of phases while living in that home and the last phase was deliverance from myself, from others, and from my past and I also rededicated my life to Christ because I was estranged from Him.  Now the home that I am in is 6801 for a total of 15.  I don’t think that it is a coincidence that the numbers fall in sequence like they do especially when the number 15 means REST in the spiritual realm.   I believe that God was setting me up to see all of this.

Although I am not okay with the way things are I can also rest where I am right now.  I don’t have the regular stress that I had 6 months ago.  It feels kind of good to rest easy and know that right now God has me on the right path.  When I started writing this post I saw it going in a different direction and I never saw it talking about the spiritual impact of the numbers and how it has blessed my life.  This transition has been pruning me.  It has in some areas totally allowed me to let go of somethings that I was holding onto.  It has opened me up to let others in to see me past the surface that I always give people.

I want to really be a homeowner in 2019 and I will make sure that I do all that I can from my end to make that happen.  Now what God has planned I will wait to see.

I believe that God is directing me to tell you that there is a process to everything that we desire to do and have in our life and sometimes it will not happen as we see it but to embrace the moments that He has you in transition.  Transition is only prepping you for the end destination.  I also believe that He is leading me to share this with you to hold me accountable.  For years I have put “become a homeowner” on my vision board and this year was no different but it is time for me to act on this goal and take the necessary steps to achieve this goal.  So I think that He feels like you all will ask me about it and it will keep me more on track than I do myself.

I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment and also let me know if God has you in transition?  Has He shown you why?  What are you doing to keep yourself cool during this unexpected period?

Talk to you again real soon!!!

