I have no complaints when it comes to 2017, it truly was a great year for me. The graphic above only highlights a couple of the great things that I was able to accomplish last year. I am super excited about 2018 because of the foundation that I have been putting in place. I have of course completed my vision board which is already an accomplishment because I never get my board completed before the end of the year and I made it a priority to do so before the clock struck 12. Every year I declare a word at the top of the year. I was a little stressed about what my word would be this year because I had no clue where 2018 was really going. I had a couple of words floating around in my head but the winner for 2018 is FEARLESS.
I realized this word would be it for 2018 when I really started finding my voice and I realized that I missed out on some opportunities because I let fear hold me back. I realized more than ever that fear held me back from accomplishing a lot of things on my vision board for 2017. I don’t want to look back at my goals for 2018 and realize that I didn’t achieve them because I was scared. I am over being scared and I am over being quiet. So in 2018 I plan to say yes more than I say no to anything that scares me especially if it makes sense to my purpose and process. I plan to be more vocal in my life and not just go with the flow of what others thinks is best for me. I plan to be more open and more strait forward with my life.
I hope that you will continue this journey with me in 2018 and share your journey with me. We as a tribe can do so much together than we can apart. So send me a message let me know what your word for the year is and let me know what some of your goals are. Also, if there is anything that I can help you with please let me know.
Live your best year to date!!!!
Until next time keep living a simply extraordinary life.
Zony 🙂