Change Is Coming


 One thing that we can definitely count on in life is CHANGE.

If you are a betting person you can bet your last dollar on the fact that change is going to come at some point in your life more than once, twice, three times.  It is always around the corner.  The worst thing that I think you can do is resist it because it only makes things harder for you because it’s going to happen whether your on board or not.  Change means growth in some part of your life.  You can’t be stuck in the same spot all of the time and in my opinion that would get a little boring.

Some ways that I handle change are listed below.


Talking to God keeps me grounded during times of change.  I always pray for guidance and vision … “God help me to see what you are doing in my life right now, give me understanding”.  Its a simple prayer but powerful because He always shows me and I may not like what I see but its happening and I just need to go with it.  In the end it is always for my good.

Baby Steps

You don’t have to jump all the way into the change when it starts but you should be taking baby steps to get to the place you are being pushed to.  Don’t resist it!!!


I have written in a journal since I was in elementary school.  I never knew how therapeutic it would be until I got older and realized that God was leading me here.  If you are writing while going through, you are getting your feelings out and if you go back and read some older entries in your journal you will see that you were being led to this point anyway.  There is always a prep we just ignore it sometimes.

Reach Out

I hate to admit it but I have been terrible at this.  I don’t like reaching out to people when I am going through things.  I always have this battle within myself going on when it comes to me calling someone and talking to them about the change I am going through. I have recently started doing it more but it literally takes me days to actually act on calling who I have been led to call.  If I hear it on Monday I am going to be like God I need another sign by Wednesday and I will do it.  It then becomes this anxiety in me that is definitely unnecessary.  However, no man is an island and you need support to help you through because change isn’t easy.  You aren’t meant to go through things alone.

Change is happening all around you and unless you live under a rock (even then the soil changes around you) you will be phased by it.  I haven’t always embraced it but I have settled on the fact that whether I like it or not it is coming.  If there is no change there is no growth and who doesn’t want to continue to grow.

Get excited about the growth that is taking place in your life.  I guarantee you will like where you end up.

Leave me a note letting me know how you handle change.

Talk to you again soon,
