7 Ways I Got My Confidence Back

Ever had a day where you looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the person looking back at you.  Well that day came for me and it was a really painful moment in my life.  I had become a shell of a person moving in routine and it was no ones fault but my own.  But that day I realized that I had become mediocre at best and I remember texting two of my best friends and telling them my realization and I was determined to turn it around.  I sat down with my goals and decided to accomplish them and as I became consistent in my life and doing more of what I wanted to do, mediocre started to fade away.  Life isn’t perfect but it is definitely great and worth living. Here are 7 steps to get you started if you are feeling mediocre in your life.

  1. Exercise on a regular basis, I set a goal to lose 60 lbs at the beginning of 2016.  I made sure that I completed some type of physical exercise everyday except for the weekends unless I had some time.  I started to feel off balance if I missed a day.  It was so refreshing for me.  I am proud to say at the end of 2016 I lost 50 lbs. and I am loving the way that my body is looking.  Your girl is sexy around here.
  2. I started focusing on building my business, Simply My Purpose.  I have always wanted to own my own business and I threw myself into learning it, building it and trying to figure it all out one day at a time.
  3. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer…I looked up one day and I had become this prayer warrior.  I started praying everyday literally all day.  Anytime I started doubting myself I prayed, whenever anxiety would start to creep up I prayed.  I didn’t really need too much of a reason to pray.  It just became the normal and still is.  I kind of love it, it saves me and keeps me right on track daily.
  4. I exercised my faith.  My faith in God because He always brings me through no matter what I have done and no matter how I put Him to the side. He is the real MVP in my life and where my confidence is now.  Also, my faith in myself, I’m super strong and I may have my moments of despair but I always come back better than ever.
  5. I am a super introvert but I made myself reach out to my friends, my mentors, and my family.  Being able to vent to them and get encouragement and just be around positive people has definitely brought my confidence level back up to 100. 
  6. I set a number of goals for 2016 and I accomplished 90% of them.  I was super amazed looking back over my vision board and checking those things off plus some things that I didn’t put on my board.  So just knowing that you can set goals and you actually accomplish them is a major confidence booster.
  7. I really have taken the time to get to know myself.  One of my major prayers is “God show me, me as you see me and help me to grow in all areas to be a better me daily.  But God really show me who I am and who I am becoming.”  I spend so much time with myself, writing and just getting to know me again outside of everyone around me. 

I am completely proud of myself and I am completely in love with myself.  Not in a conceited way at all I just know where I was and where I am now and it truly amazes me everyday.  Let me throw this disclaimer out there, none of these steps were easy at all.  But it took me deciding to not be that shell of a person that I saw in the mirror and become who I am now and who I continue to grow into daily.  She who is me is super amazing and if you are struggling with your confidence just know that YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING AS WELL. 

That is all for now and as always thanks for visiting and reading until next time live simply but make it extraordinary!!!

Write me back and let me know how you keep your confidence at 100 or if you need any help from me to get that level to 100. 

Zony 🙂