So I have always taken some time to go back and read journal entries that I have written over the years and I recently went back and read some entries from the time when I was laid off. The idea was to write my dreams and goals everyday for 30 days and of course I didn’t make it the whole 30 days but I wrote enough to make a difference. But anyway, I realized that my dreams were unfolding right before my eyes. The path has not been as easy as I would have liked for it to be but as I move forward, I trust that as I am taking the right steps to achieve all that I have dreamed of. Set backs may come and I am expecting some detours but the progress and growth has and will continue to amaze me as I put my best foot forward. I am human so of course doubts pop up and what if’s pop up but as I think about the alternative I have to push past those moments and keep going.
I have always compared myself to the next person and doubted my progress in my life compared to theirs. But as I have had a chance to really think about it all I am super proud of me and the accomplishments of my life. Dreams are coming true and goals are being accomplished and there is so much more to come. As I reflect on my life I can truly see that God has had a hand in everything that I have gone through and has brought me through. The journey has not been easy but as I smile it has definitely been worth it. I remember taking a class called Teachers in Training a couple of years ago and the information was amazing. There were a lot of takeaways but two major points that I still implement in my life today are trust the process and PUSH PRESS PURSUE. I always hear Ms. Meadows screaming it the first time that she taught it. At that moment I looked at her like she was crazy but I will never forget that moment and those words and what they mean to me now.
When moving to Atlanta, Dec. 31, 2004, I had no idea how rough my life would get. How I would be tested and how I would definitely have to grow up. I came down here literally on a wing and a prayer. But I am stronger than ever and pushing past the obstacles, pressing forward no matter what and pursuing all of my dreams and goals that I have set for myself. Like I’ve said before it hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it. I have been quietly and diligently working to get things done and get ready for this year. This year has already been pretty big in so many ways and I am excited about everything else that is brewing.
Take some time to reflect on your life and reflect on where you have been and where you are now. No matter how big or small be proud of every moment that has brought you to this moment and don’t stop going. Keep pushing, keep pressing and keep pursuing the life that you dream for yourself. Leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you guys and gals about what is going on in your lives as you are striving for your goals. Just remember no matter how tough it may get a baby step is better than no step keep growing !!!!!
Talk you again soon…
Previously written on my blog SimplyMyLifeZ on 11/01/15