If being satisfied for you means settling for me then I will never be satisfied…
People have told me that I’m never satisfied and when they would say it I would question myself and really wonder if I was asking for too much. But what I realized one morning is that my satisfied and their satisfied doesn’t represent the same thing. You may be OK with just having ham on your sandwich but I want ham, cheese and mayo. We all want things done our way and granted that isn’t going to happen all of the time but it doesn’t stop you from wanting what you want. If I want my grass cut a certain way and I’m paying you for it then please cut it the way that I ask you to. Your satisfied could mean settling to me and my satisfied could mean too much for you and I’m not about settling because I’m destined for so much more and so are you if you look past what’s in front of you.
Moral of this short post…Never let someone make you feel bad for wanting the life that you want for yourself. Your vision is not their vision.