2016 Wrap Up


My life has been a series of getting started but never finishing for so many reasons.  I didn’t have the money, I was bored, it didn’t look like I wanted, they didn’t fit into my plan, they were just too idk (insert something stupid there), but it was always something. This year I decided to create CONSISTENCY in my life. Life starts to happen more when you make a decision. I was tired of giving up and not pushing or fighting for what I wanted because it just didn’t seem right at the time or it didn’t look how I wanted it to look. Out of my 35 years of living, 2016 has been the best and the worst year of my life.

I got a full understanding of who I am and who I’m growing to be. I found out how strong I am and got a glimpse of how much stronger I am going to be. I got a good look at how I love and how deep it can get. I understand how resilient I am and how tough times in my life prepared me for this year. I’ve always seen people for who they are and I do my best not to judge them but this year gave me a better glimpse of who those around me are and who I want around me.  I’ve always had a relationship with God but at times I would definitely put Him on the back burner but this year has opened up another type of relationship with Him that I never want to lose and only want to get stronger.

I’ve said it before life is like a roller coaster that never ends but you have to decide what type of roller coaster you want to be on. You are the operator, you can speed it up or slow it down but you aren’t always going to know when the next hill, loop, spin, or drop is going to come, you can only prepare for as much as you can. 2016 has been one to write home about. I’m looking forward to 2017 because the future is brighter than ever and with all that I’ve learned about myself and seen the vision for this roller coaster is about to be the best ride yet. I’m holding on in some areas but I’m throwing my hands up and throwing caution to the wind in others. I’m getting prepared for this next round of dips, loops, spins, and drops and I’m excited about it. You know how you’re waiting in line to get on the roller coaster and the closer you get the more nervous you get…the butterflies are flipping in your stomach…that’s how I am right now and this time I’m more excited than I am scared. 2016 you were an emotional ride but I think that I am ready for 2017 and all that it has to offer.

What does your roller coaster look like?

I hope that you all are getting prepared for the 2017 roller coaster and I can’t wait to hear all about it.

Until next time live simply while doing it extraordinary.


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