Prayer Time

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you this week just full of thanks and gratefulness for bringing me through another week.  I thank you for keeping us all and guiding us through.  I thank you for allowing us to see the start of a new week and get prepared.  I thank you for showing us you in the little things around us.  I thank you for sending the right people for us to guide us, to comfort us, to provide wisdom and guidance.  I thank you for your unconditional love, for your forgiveness, for your peace, for you grace and mercy, and for YOU most of all.  I thank you for your presence in our lives even when we try to avoid you.  I thank you for continuing to be the head of our lives even when we think we running things.  I thank you for never leaving nor forsaking us.  I thank you…I thank you.  I pray that this week will be full of you.  I pray that you will cover us and keep us.  I pray that your guidance and wisdom surrounds us.  I pray for your peace to fill our lives.  I pray for the families in Milwaukee who have lost loved ones.  I pray that you will comfort them.  I pray that your presence is felt around them.  I pray that you bring peace, love and restoration back in the city.  I pray for those that are in Louisiana right now suffering loss.  I pray that you will cover them.  I pray that you will send the help that they need.  I pray that the water recedes back into its normal areas and the city is able to be restored.  I pray that you will continue to be with this world.  I pray that you will bring peace into this world.  I pray that your presence is felt more than ever in this world.  That this world will seek you more than ever.  I pray that you will continue to guide us and protect us even from ourselves. I thank you oh God for your presence.  I pray that this week will be an amazing week.  I pray that we will hear from you and see you this week.  I pray for those that are seeking a breakthrough this week.  I pray for those that are seeking promotion this week.  I pray for those seeking healing and good report from the doctor.  I pray for those that are just in a stuck place and just need that extra push Lord God.  I thank you for you, I thank you for being the head of our lives, I thank you for never leaving us.  I thank you for you.  I pray that this week is productive, creative, prosperous, joyous, loving, and all things positive.  Restore families, restore friendships, restore relationships, restore homes, restore peace around us oh God.  I thank you once again and it is in Jesus name that I do pray…
